STONEWORKS SPECIALIST INTL., CORP. is committed to bringing Filipino infrastructure to new heights! We are able to manufacture and provide services of a wide range of fiberglass emergency response equipment and vehicles. The most popular of these are our sea ambulances.
The Local Government Unit of Calauag partnered up with our team to create the Sea Ambulance you see below.
Photo from DOH Region 4A
With the the central and southern regions of the Philippines looking more like an archipelago, this means that many communities are isolated on islands where the only mode of transportation to and from their homes are boats. Many of these boats are not motorized and sometimes the distance these people need to travel could take hours before they can gain access to essentials such as food, water and health services. Thanks to the progressive and pro-active members of the Calauag LGU, they now have their very own SEA AMBULANCE! This ambulance is not only a way for health care workers to address emergencies from far flung islands in Calauag. It is also a vehicle that emergency responders can use for situations involving sunken boats, natural calamities involving water and is key in aiding the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The Sea Ambulance allows nearby health workers to easily transfer COVID-19 patients to secure locations where they won't pose a risk to their communities until they can recover.
#fiberglassboats #seaambulances #calauaglgu #stoneworksspecialist
Want to commission us to make your boats? Contact us here! or call us at 09175262732